Front cover image for Latin for dummies

Latin for dummies

An introduction to Latin that provides information on grammar, usage, and vocabulary, discusses how it can be used in modern situations, and includes a mini-dictionary and usage examples
eBook, English, ©2002
Hungry Minds, New York, N.Y., ©2002
1 online resource (363 pages)
9781118053867, 1118053869
Part I: Getting started
You already know a little Latin
The nitty gritty: basic Latin grammar
Salve! Hello! Greetings and introductions
Part II: Latin in action
The Roman family and social structure
Food and housing in Roman life
The Roman clendar
The Roman Army
Roman entertainment and sports
Roman government
More lasting than bronze: Latin literature
Part III: Latin in the modern world
Latin in law
Latin in medicine
Latin in the church
Latin in zoology and botany
Translating and reading Latin
Mottoes, sayings, and quotes: cocktail party Latin
Part IV: The part of tens
Ten loanwords from Latin
Ten false friends: common mistakes in Latin
Ten helpful Latin-related web sites
Ten common Latin abbreviations
Ten common Latin prefixes
Ten important Latin suffixes