| Geological Survey (U.S.) - 1971 - 1192 pages
...portion of the Tongue, which is east of Fresh Creek, —from Author's abstract 00278 Quinn, JA; Otto, NC Carbon dioxide exchange at the air-sea interface — Flux augmentation by chemical reaction: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 76, no. 6, p. 15391549, illus., 1971. The stagnant film model for transport... | |
| S. Fred Singer - 1975 - 436 pages
...Water: Possible Enzymatic Control Of the Rate', this volume, pp. 79-82. 92. Qumn, JA and Otto, NC : 'Carbon Dioxide Exchange at the Air-Sea Interface: Flux Augmentation by Chemical Reaction', J. Ceophys. Res. 76, 1539-1549 (1971). 93. Manabe, S. and Wetherald, RT: 'Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere... | |
| P.S. Liss, W.G.N. Slinn - 1983 - 582 pages
...1964: Oxygen exchange rates off the Oregon coast. Deep-Sea Res., 11, 381-389. Quinn, JA and NC Otto, 1971: Carbon dioxide exchange at the air-sea interface:...augmentation by chemical reaction. J. Geophys. Res., 76, 1539-1549. Rasmussen, RA, MAK Khalil and SD Hoyt, 1982a: Atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (DCS): Techniques... | |
| W. Brutsaert, G.H. Jirka - 1983 - 666 pages
...Water Quality Modeling, Manhattan College Research Report, NYC, NY, 1983b. Quinn, JA, and NC Otto, Carbon dioxide exchange at the air-sea interface: Flux augmentation by chemical reaction, J. Geophysical Research, 76, 1539-1549, 1971. Sherwood, TK, RL Pigford, and CR Wille, Mass Transfer, McGraw... | |
| Rolf Nieder, D. Benbi - 2003 - 800 pages
...mineralization from surface applied clover residue. Plant and Soil 189: 127137. Quinn, JA and NC Otto ( 197 1 ). Carbon dioxide exchange at the air-sea interface: Flux augmentation by chemical reaction. Journal of Geophysical Research 76: 1539-1549. Rachhpal-Singh and PH Nye ( 1986a). A model of ammonia... | |
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