Learning to Think Korean: A Guide to Living and Working in Korea

Intercultural Press, 2001 - 252 pages
Kohls shares a feast of Korean culture: a ricebowl of history and tradition complimented by an array of spicy tidbits that capture the readerâ??s attention like a mouthful of kimchi. Based on personal experience, he provides critical incidents that explore the more puzzling aspects of Korean culture. Kohls explores Korean valuesâ??traditional values, value changes over the past forty years and projected values for the early decades of the twenty-first century. He is equally insightful when it comes to discussing the cultural patterns and practices of the workplace. He takes on management style, personal issues, networking and â??pull,â? negotiating style, persistence, key Korean business relations and more. To a greater extent than most other Asisan countries, Korea adheres to the traditional collectivist and Confucian traits of harmony, hierarchy, ingroups/outgroups, status, and proper behavior. According to Kohls, these traits plus the more Westernized values of the younger generations and the veneer of modern urban savvy surface in surprising combinations in personal and workplace relationshipsâ??often where they are least expected.

À propos de l'auteur (2001)

L. Robert Kohls has thirty years' experience as an intercultural trainer and trainer of other trainers; he has worked, lived and traveled in more than eighty countries, with extensive stays in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. He is a founding member of SIETAR International, and is also the author of Survival Kit for Overseas Living.

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