I mean to imply not simply the tracing of descent through the father . . . but any kind of group organization in which males hold dominant power and determine what part females shall and shall not play, and in which capabilities assigned to women are... Women Teaching for Change: Gender, Class and Powerby Kathleen Weiler - 1988 - 174 pagesNo preview available - About this book
| Jane Roberta Cooper - 1984 - 390 pages
...specifically a political perspective that elaborated the insights of her poems. She understands patriarchy as "any kind of group organization in which males hold...determine what part females shall and shall not play. . . .24 Not only is this artificial restraint a source of anger to women, Rich finds that men — in... | |
| Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz - 1985 - 180 pages
...attempts in a feminist context at defining 'patriarchy', which we still consider crucial: it means "not simply the tracing of descent through the father,...capabilities assigned to women are relegated generally to mystical and aesthetic and excluded from the practical and political realms" (1979c:78). 4) From Rich... | |
| D. Kelly Weisberg - 1993 - 646 pages
...the origin of patriarchy and the perpetuation of a patriarchal social order. By patriarchy, I mean any kind of group organization in which males hold...excluded from the practical and political realms, these realms being regarded as separate and mutually exclusive.1 Law plays a primary and significant... | |
| Benjamin C. Amick - 1995 - 402 pages
...hunger, slavery, war, exploitation of the weak and the modern state. Adrienne Rich defines patriarchy as "any kind of group organization in which males hold...the practical and political realms" (Rich, 1979). Authority and legitimate power are viewed in masculine terms. Trends in smoking by gender have long... | |
| Bonnie J. Dow - 1996 - 272 pages
...number of levels. As Adrienne Rich defines it, patriarchy refers to "any kind of group organ ization in which males hold dominant power and determine what...excluded from the practical and political realms" ( 1979, p. 78). One of the ways in which the coercion that feminists identify in patriarchy is masked... | |
| Elizabeth A. Flynn - 2002 - 244 pages
...mothering and writing impossibilities. In her essay "The Antifeminist Woman," Rich defines patriarchy as any kind of group organization in which males hold...determine what part females shall and shall not play (78). Patriarchal rule is directly linked, according to Rich, to compulsory heterosexuality, which... | |
| Barbara Miller - 2005 - 172 pages
...also recognizes that most if not all social systems are patriarchal, ie, they assume a form of social organization in which males hold dominant power and determine what part females will or will not play. Feminism critiques these social systems and works to restructure them equitably... | |
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